Healing Physical Pain By Clearing Past Life Traumas
No matter how unlikely it seems that body pain can originate in past lives, watch this with an open mind. Results prove the theory, right? In this case, the presenting issue of neck pain was relieved...
View ArticleDon’t Let Fear Stop Your New Years Resolutions!
Don’t let fear confuse you! Whatever simultaneously inspires and terrifies us shows us our life path. Why? Because our lives are designed to help us grow, growth means we have to change, and it’s...
View ArticleMistakes are part of life – and it’s never too late to correct them. All time...
We all make mistakes, and it’s okay! How else will we learn and grow? When we realize we’ve made a mistake, the key is to not get stuck in regret. Truly, all time IS now. The full power of the...
View ArticleGet Consistently Accurate Intuitive Messages From Your Guides and Angels with...
Hey, all you intuitives out there! Have you noticed how sometimes your intuitive messages are right on the money, and other times they are off? This happens when our focus is out into the world,...
View ArticleAsking for Grace with the Lightworkers Healing Method of Divine Energy Healing
Dear friends, have you noticed how easy it is to agree that grace is unlimited, but how we forget to act as if we truly believe that? Here is a way to relate to the truth of unlimited grace. Try it in...
View ArticleHealing Physical Pain with the Lightworkers Healing Method of Divine Energy...
Dear friends, how many of us in North America suffer from back pain? It’s extremely common. Witness how to heal the root causes of pain by accessing the past life causes. With the Lightworkers Healing...
View ArticleDealing With Tragedies Using The Lightworkers Healing Method
Dear Boston-area friends, I know this past week has been very intense for many of you. My son and his girlfriend live in Cambridge, so even though I have no personal media exposure other than what the...
View ArticleCalling All Angels – Team Universe Needs You!
My dear friend, Have you ever thought you are a special person? Yes of course we are all special, but I mean this in an unusual way. If you are special in the way I’m talking about, I need your help...
View ArticleSpiraling Up To New Levels: Closing Circle, Core Curriculum, Lightworkers...
Dear friends, we would be honored to have you join us in our recent closing circle at the end of the core curriculum of the Lightworkers Healing Method. In this two-minute video, healers with 20...
View ArticleFinding a Great Treasure and Gaining Back Hope in Humanity with the...
Who takes classes in a system of Angelically Guided Energy Healing that has the purpose of bringing people into alignment with their soul plans? You’re right. Our students are the most amazing people...
View ArticlePain and Joy Both Open the Heart
http://t.co/bxLNmvvF90 The purpose of life is to experience JOY, but it’s up to us to make that happen for ourselves. The obvious question: “HOW?” Here’s a short clip filmed during a recent class in...
View ArticleSpiraling Up To New Levels with the Lightworkers Healing Method
Dear friends, we would be honored to have you join us in our recent closing circle at the end of the core curriculum of the Lightworkers Healing Method. In this two-minute video, healers with 20 years’...
View ArticleJoyfully Diving Into the Pool of Life with the Lightworkers Healing Method
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z35rTqwZmNw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glrE8RwgfBg When we want to BE who our souls want us to be and live the lives we’ve come into bodies to live, it’s helpful to...
View ArticleParallels in Truth – an email from a student
Greetings dear friends, So many of us are stuck in our lives because we are afraid to look at the truth of what’s really going on. Instead, we sit with our blinders on, denying what we need to...
View ArticleNow Is The Time
Dear friends, The other day, someone asked me how things were in my world. Great question, right? Her words caused me to focus in a new way on what is going on around us. There’s still time, but hey!...
View ArticleMaking Every Moment Sacred
Dear friends, This morning’s email greeted me with a request from a friend to share my Thanksgiving message on her blog. ”Of course!” Then came what I call the flat-forehead moment (insert forehead...
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