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Dealing With Tragedies Using The Lightworkers Healing Method


Dear Boston-area friends,

I know this past week has been very intense for many of you. My son and his girlfriend live in Cambridge, so even though I have no personal media exposure other than what the airport monitors play in a continuous loop, I have a sense of how this week may have been for you. Disempowering, disorienting, and perhaps even scary.

My friends, remember – Source LOVES you. Your Guides LOVE you. The Universe truly does have your back. There IS a Divine Plan, and it is always the best plan for all concerned. If there were a better plan, it would be the Plan. 

No one is ever sacrificed for anyone or anything. No exceptions, no matter how it looks on the surface. As we delve into each situation invariably the same truths are revealed:

1. We are loved.
2. We are safe.
3. We CAN do what our souls want us to do in that situation. We CAN find the gifts, and through that find peace, love, hope, and joy in every moment.

Dear friends, through LHM you have learned tools for living that are directly relevant to the current situation. Do your Opening Process; focus especially on drawing up that wonderfully healing and stabilizing Divine Earth Energy. Open to Source’s healing frequencies also; draw those down. Flush and balance your Pillar of Light. Flush and power up your Vortex; ask the Living Waters to flow.

Notice you are a part of your community, and merge with the entity that is “my community.” Do a community trauma release for “all of us who live in ____.”  Do a community soul fragment retrieval for “all of us who live in ___.”  It is not only your right, but if you wish to relate to it this way you could see it as your soul’s responsibility to help your community in this way. You have the access, you have the awareness, you have the ability. 

As you feel yourself stabilizing, notice how strong you truly are. Notice how wide your pillar of light actually is, and how long – stretching from the center of the planet below to Source above. Feel how your pillar is large enough to cover your entire neighborhood. Pulse the vortex for your entire community. Feel the area around you also healing and releasing. BE the presence for Spirit in the world that your soul wants you to be. BE the tower of strength that you truly are. Shine your light of peace, love, hope, and joy into the world.

You can DO this, my friend. You already have the tools. You already are loved and safe – and as you realign with that awareness, you help your neighbors and towns and region heal. Using even the basic Level One/Level Two tools, we can do so much to help the greater good. This IS our role: to be both sensitive and strong.

I love you so much. I am doing this for “your” area too, because I am also a part of the community. I have my son and daughter-in-love in Cambridge, and also you, my dear dear friends. I am linked in to Boston. I am also holding the pillar of light, anchoring peace, love, hope, and joy into Boston. SO BE IT. Will you join me?  As we each do our part, the world transforms.

Much love dear friends!
Light for your path - Lynn McGonagill, Founder and Teaching Channel of the Lightworkers Healing Method, Author of The Lightworkers Healing Method: BE Who Your Soul Wants You To Be 

www.LightworkersMethod.com, As taught at Kripalu and the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and heard on Wall Street Journal Radio


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